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My partner says I have bad breath. What can I do?

Guang Chen

Updated: Mar 22, 2022

Halitosis is the medical word for bad breath. Almost everyone experiences bad breath during their lifetime.

The most common cause of transient bad breath is food. Members of the Allium genus (onion, garlic, leek, shallots, chives) are usually to blame. These vegetables produce bad breath in two ways. Firstly, residual bits may be left behind on the teeth, gums or mouth cavity. Secondly, during the digestion process, chemicals are released into the bloodstream. These chemicals are ultimately expelled from the body via the lungs and skin. That is why garlic breath can sometimes last for many hours or even days. To reduce garlic breath, try chewing gum, brushing or using mouth wash after eating garlic. Drinking plenty of fluids will help reduce the garlic smell released from your breath and pores.

The common cause of persistent bad breath is again food. Food may get stuck in nooks and crannies within the mouth cavity. This residual food is fermented by the abundant bacteria that live in the mouth. During this process, smelly gases are released. Regular brushing, flossing, and use of mouth wash may help reduce residual food buildup. Makes sure any dental cavities are fixed by your dentist. Medications and medical conditions that contribute to dry mouth may also exacerbate the problem. Speak to your friendly dentist or general practitioner if you are concerned about your breath!

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